PinnedNavigating Uncharted Waters: Shogun and Post-Brexit BritainFX’s new adaptation of James Clavell’s historical novel Shogun has received high praise. Much of this is deservedly focussed on the…Mar 18, 2024Mar 18, 2024
The vampire-slaying superhero we need in 2020.“There are worse things out tonight than vampires.” “Like what?” “Like me.”Sep 25, 2020Sep 25, 2020
What’s really wrong the The Last of Us: Part II.The Last of Us: Part II has generated a huge amount of controversy, heightened by the fact it is one of the most highly anticipated…Aug 27, 2020Aug 27, 2020
In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only franchises.The (unlikely) next crossover phenomenon.Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020
Why The Mandalorian is so good (for non-Star Wars fans)Star Wars devotees could be forgiven for not managing to stir up enthusiasm for The Mandalorian TV series. Non-initiates are more likely…Apr 5, 2020Apr 5, 2020
The Violence and Politics of ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’I can’t deny the excitement of seeing a new Tarantino film in the cinema. He is one of the few, big name Holywood auteurs who still…Sep 23, 2019Sep 23, 2019